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Buildings designed and built to the PHIUS+ 2015 Passive Building Standard consume 86% less energy for heating and 46% less energy for cooling (depending on climate zone and building type) when compared to a code-compliant building. PHIUS+ 2015 is the first and only passive building standard based upon climate-specific comfort and performance criteria aimed at presenting a cost-optimized solution to achieving the most durable, resilient, and energy-efficient building possible for a specific location. Group Design Build has Certified Passive House Consultants on staff.
The USGBC's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system is a rating system with certification for homes and buildings addressing site selection, materials and resources, water, and energy. For homes, the energy portion of the LEED rating can be met with Energy Star certification. LEED-certified buildings are resource efficient. They use less water and energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As an added bonus, they save money. Learn more about why LEED continues to be the leading benchmark in green building. Group Design Build has LEED Accredited Professionals on staff.
Energy Star is a Federally supported construction standard run by the EPA and DOE, providing certification for homes and buildings that requires at least 15% less energy consumption than building code requires. The Massachusetts New Homes with Energy Star program offers substantial financial incentives to reach Tier III, an exceptional threshold signifying at least a 45% improvement in performance over a code-built home. Learn more why this program may be useful for your project. Group Design Build is a Certified Energy Star Builder.
EPA Indoor AirPLUS
Indoor airPLUS is a voluntary partnership and labeling program that helps new home builders improve the quality of indoor air by requiring construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants. Clean air is good for everyone’s health, but it can be especially important to those who have chronic respiratory conditions. Learn more why this program may be useful for your project. Group Design Build is an EPA Indoor AirPlus Builder.
Net Zero
U.S. Department of Energy's Net Zero Home refers to matching on-site energy production with on-site energy consumption. In doing so, the consumption and production net out to zero. In the case of Net Positive Energy, more energy is produced on site than is consumed on an annual basis. U.S. buildings account for nearly 40% of the nation's man-made carbon dioxide emissions, 18% of the nitrogen oxide emissions, and 55% of the sulfur dioxide emissions. These emissions—primarily from electricity generation—in turn contribute to smog, acid rain, haze, and global climate change. Improving the efficiency of the nation's buildings will play a significant role in reducing pollution.
The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) helps high-performance building and energy efficiency professionals improve their practices by learning from and networking with each other. Group Design Build is a NESEA community member.
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